Chapter Nineteen: Reading Notes of The Ramayana Part C (PDE version)

 The first story I’d like to mention is by Geraldine Hodgson and is titled Sugriva’s Story . 

This, quite obviously, is Sugriva’s backstory of how he ended up where he was. What I like most about this story is that when the backstory is explained, it feels as if the reader is experiencing it first hand. The author mentions that Vali had been battling an enemy and had gone underground to fight his enemy (who went underground first, Vali followed). Sugriva waited there are the hole faithfully for an entire year until Sugriva assumed Vali was dead. He was not. Sugriva filled the hole and left, Vali thought this was so that he could take over, but it wasn’t. So Vali took Sugriva’s wife and sent him away. 

I also like the simplicity of this part of the story. It definitely reminded me that you don’t need much to make a story interesting. 

The next part of the story is by Donald A. Mackenzie and is titled The Ashoka Grove.

I liked this part of the story because most of it was in a poem like format. I’m not too familiar with poetry, but this one was easy to distinguish. The beginning starts of like any other story, but then as Hanuman sees Sita, it transforms into a poem. I think poetry is such a beautiful form of writing, and I think that’s what the author was trying to portray here. I think the sight of Sita was supposed to be beautiful, whether she was the source of the beauty, or the fact that Hanumān found Sita was the source, it is beautiful nonetheless. 

This photo is titled “Hanuman meets Sita” which I thought was perfect for this post.
(Image “Hanuman meets Sita” by Infinite Eyes on Flickr


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