Chapter Thirteen: Feedback Thoughts

 The first article I read was titled Seven Ways to Crush Self Doubt in Creative Work. I honestly felt this article in my SOUL. I have always compared my talents to others in my area of creativity, and I have always felt so much worse about my abilities after. I love this article because it follows this “Step-by-Step” format, which is very convenient. It brings up a lot of solid points, one that I’ve posted an article over before which is embracing a “Growth Mindset”. This article really helps to put certain things in perspective as well. The author writes that we need to abandon perfectionism, stop comparisons, be vulnerable with people you trust, set realistic goals for yourself, and many others! I feel like many people say these same things, and it’s probably going to take a while for me to fully understand how not to compare myself or trust my own creative abilities. Here’s the link for the wonderful article titled Seven Ways to Crush Self Doubt in Creative Work.

The next article I read is titled How to Tame Your Inner Critic: A Simple Habit to Rewire Your Brain. I absolutely loved this article. The author writes this article by telling a story of how he overcame self criticism. One thing he mentions is called REBS. REBS is short for Reality-Based Self-Congratulation. How great is that? He talks about how with this system, you acknowledge and accept your set-back, but continue moving forward instead of giving up all together. I thought this was genius because I know so many people who are so mean to themselves, myself included. Congratulating yourself on what you did right removes the negative criticism from your thoughts and instead flips a switch. Here’s the link to the article titled How to Tame Your Inner Critic: A Simple Habit to Rewire Your Brain.

(This image is titled “Confidence” by Glenda Sims at Creative Commons)


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