Chapter Thirty Seven: Reading Notes- Epified Part C-D

 Today I watched part C and D of the epified series of the Mahabharata. Honestly, I must say it just gets better with every episode. What I thought was the craziest part was, in part C, when the brothers and their mom moved into their new palace they realized that it was made of flammable material. I would have never concluded what they concluded had I been in their place. The fact that they made a plan to escape and escaped without people knowing is beyond me. The man who planned to burn them didn’t even suspect that they would escape literally right under his nose. I really like this method of telling the story because I feel like it really captivate an audience. It’s literally like watching a TV show those twists and turns and you never know what’s gonna happen next unless of course you’ve read the story beforehand.

The videos I watched were Epified: The Mahabharata Parts C-D by Epified TV. 

(This photo is titled Story Road and was uploaded to Flickr by Umjanedoan)



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