Chapter Forty Five: Reading Notes- Epified Krishna Part A

 For today’s reading assignment I watched the Epified videos over Krishna. I really loved the way they told the story of the Mahabharata because they were so similar to the novelas I watched growing up.

For this story, it wasn’t as intense as I thought it would be, but I should have expected that because the Mahabharata included so much content that it was bound to be a drama. What I thought was most interesting about the first half of the series was in episode six when Krishna was supposedly eating mud and then he opened his mouth for his mom to see literally everything. That was sort of amazing because it really showed just how special Krishna was. 

I liked how the approach to this series was more calm. It seemed more geared towards kids in the way things were explained, but that’s perfect for me because if someone were to explain things too quickly, I most certainly would not understand a word they were saying. 

The videos I watched were uploaded to YouTube by Epified.

(This image is titled ISKON Desire Tree - Kaliya Krishna uploaded to Flickr by ISKON Desire Tree.)


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