Chapter Forty Four: Week 12 Story Lab
What really caught my eye about the micro fiction section of the story lab was the six word stories. I am definitely the type of person who likes things that get to the point, and it seems that six word stories do that without scratching the story experience.
I assume, like most stories, six word stories have a deeper meaning than the words that appear on the page. Ι have never attempted to write a six word story, but I’d really like to. They remind me a lot of the poetry and short story books that have gained a lot of popularity. What I love the most about the six word stories is that they can be as personal or as trivial as the writer wants them to be. It’s completely up to them.
I’ve decided that I want to attempt to write my own six word story. Here goes nothing!
Room of people, but still invisible.
I’m actually not sure how I feel about that, but it’s the best I could do!
Here’s the link for the npr transcript I read
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